Process Validation I System Audit I Social Compliance Audit.
Technical and Compliance Audit: Technical and Compliance Audit covers the technical aspects of the projects implemented in the company. It contains process validation and management system. A factory goes through the SOP which is measured by cross inspection
Process Validation: This audit verifies that processes are working within established limits. It evaluates an operation or method against predetermined instructions or standards to measure conformances to these standards and effectiveness of the instructions. process audit follows as below:
* check conformance to define requirements such as time, accuracy, temperature, pressure, composition, responsiveness, and component mixture.
*examine the resources (equipment, materials, people) applied to transform the inputs into outputs. the environment, the method (procedures, instructions) followed and the measures collected to determine process performance.
*check the adequacy and effectiveness of the process controls established by procedures, work instructions, flowcharts, training and process specifications. also the following points are investigated
- Product’s dimension test.
- Product testing.
- Physical and Functional test of Zipper and Others Accessories.
- Fatigue test.
- Fabric Inspection, Fabric construction and composition test, GSM check, Shrinkage test, Twisting test. Shade segregation.
- Material composition check.
- Label and Barcode verification.
- Packaging Inspection.
- Equipment calibration.
- Product safety assessment.
- SOP implement Verification.
The above points are investigated in the following relevant Section: Ware house, C-TPAT, Fabric Inspection, Development/Sample, Cutting, Fusing/Heat seal, Sewing, Screen printing, Embroidery, Seam sealing, CWS, Down/Feather filling, Washing Dry process, Washing Wet process, On-site Lab.
System Audit: An Audit conducted on a management system. It describes as a documented activity performed to verify by examination, evaluation of objectives, evidence that applicable elements of the system are appropriate and effective and been developed, documented and implemented in accordance and in conjunction with specified requirements.
*A quality management system audit evaluates an existing quality management program to determine to conformance to company policies, contracts commitments and regulatory requirements.
*similarly an environment system audit examines an environmental management system. also the following points are investigated:
- Quality Management system and assessment Audit.
- Documentation system review.
- Quality Policy.
- Management commitment and continual improvement,
- Evidence of documented information.
- Environmental system.
- Objectives evaluation.
- Organizational roles, responsibility and authorities.
- Licenses & Certification review.
- Planning for the Quality Management system.
- Personnel training and competency.
- Internal Audit review.
- Management review,
Social Compliance Audit:
A social compliance audit covers end to end process from material collection to shipment of the product to check and verify whether entire process complies company’s social, legal and ethical requirements and obligations including safeguarding, safety, security and labor laws and rules in ware house, factory, production house, farm, packaging facilities and shipment process.
Quality 360 team take careful review of the below practices of the entity against the legal requirement of the country, customer standard and industry best practices during Social Compliance Audit below.
• Environment aspect of the entity including environment certificates;
• Minimum salary and benefits per labor law;
• Child, forced and underage labor engagement;
• Different types of discriminations and inequality including gender discrimination
• Opportunity to join collective bargaining process and its functionality
• Freedom of association;
• Workplace harassment, abuse and power dynamics;
• Health and safety measures in place
• Safeguarding.
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